10 Simple Gift Ideas for Mothers

Trying to choose thoughtful gifts for the women and mothers in your life (especially those who seem to have everything) can be challenging. I wanted to share ten simple gift ideas for mothers that I use and appreciate myself, and have given as gifts to fellow mama friends or sisters.

  1. The Flecks of Gold Journal. I got this three year journal as a Christmas present for myself two years ago, and it has been such a sweet way to document the golden moments that happen in my daily life as a mother. No matter how crazy our day might be, there is always something sweet and happy to look back on and smile about. After using this for two years, I’ve noticed that I’m more conscious of those happy golden moments as they are happening in real time. Using this journal has helped me move through the hard moments with greater patience because I truly appreciate the good ones!
  2. The Montessori Baby and The Montessori Toddler. I have referenced these books more times than I can count! I love the Montessori principles have tried to implement many things taught in these books in our home.
  3. Weekly meal planner. I bought this meal planner when we first got married and replace it when we use it up! It hangs on the side of my fridge and is the perfect way to track our meals and write down our grocery list throughout the week as we use things up.
  4. Promptly Journals. The most gorgeous, intentional journals ever! Cayden and I have a Love Story Journal that we fill out every year near our anniversary. I also keep Childhood History Journals for each of our boys (documenting from pregnancy to 18 years old). Such a precious keepsake and so well made!
  5. Something soft and comfy to wear. I love gifting loungewear sets like this sweater + jogger set (which I own in two colors and also gifted to my sister!). You can’t go wrong with a nice beanie (this Madewell one is my favorite from last year and currently on sale) and/or a good pair of cozy socks.
  6. A cute mug + your favorite herbal tea or coffee blend, or a gift card to their favorite coffee shop. I drink a lot of tea throughout the colder months, and this Teapigs Liquorice & Peppermint Tea my sister Allie introduced me to is by far my favorite! So sweet on its own that it doesn’t even need honey.
  7. Something baked and made from scratch. My sister Mandi brings us a box of homemade Christmas cookies every year, and I look forward to trying all of her delicious creations she’s made with love.
  8. A favorite novel or book you think they’d enjoy. All of the women on my list is getting copies of my new romcom Christmas novella, The Holiduel, and my regency short Christmas story, A Christmas Secret, whether they like it or not!
  9. Something that smells LOVELY! Think perfume, body or hand lotion, body butter, shower gel, bath bombs, bubble bath, or a diffuser + some of your favorite essential oils. Consumable yet luxurious things they’re sure to use up. I just ordered this Dime Beauty perfume sampler I’m excited to try, and I love gifting my favorite Pink Grapefruit Body Butter.
  10. A gift card or coupon redeemable for babysitting, a meal, a massage, movie tickets, concert tickets, a mani/pedi or anything that would give the busy mamas in your life a little break.

It can be easy to feel overwhelmed when trying to shop for all of your loved ones, but I hope these ideas are a reminder that gifts don’t have to be extravagent for them to be thoughtful! I’m all about keeping things simple, especially during such a fun and festive season that always goes by FAR too quickly.

Merry Christmas!